31 Ocak 2023

Deri Ve Zührevi Hastalıkları

About the Clinic

Dermatology is a medical specialty that focuses on conditions and disorders that affect the skin, nails, and hair. Currently, 3 dermatology specialists and 34 residents work in our clinic. We have 5 outpatient clinics for general dermatology.

Featured Services

Our scope of dermatological diseases and treatments includes viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections, acne vulgaris, contact dermatitis, inflammatory dermatoses, hair disorders, pruritus, and benign and malignant skin tumors. Surgical procedures such as cryotherapy, electrosurgery, punch biopsy, and excisional/incisional biopsies are performed in our intervention room. Direct fungal examinations and cytological smears are also performed in this room.

Phototherapy or psoralen and ultraviolet light A (PUVA) treatment is effective in treating certain skin conditions and these treatment modalities are carried out by the phototherapy nurse at our outpatient clinic. 

Additionally, we have subspecialty outpatient clinics for psoriasis, Behçet’s disease, autoimmune bullous diseases, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, and mycosis fungoides. Patients with these disorders are monitored in these outpatient clinics. We also have a subspecialty clinic for nevi (moles) and malignant melanoma. Nevi are examined via computerized dermoscopy in patients at risk for melanoma.

Cosmetic procedures such as botulinum toxin injections, mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, and filler injections are performed in our clinic by specialists. 

Prick tests are administered to required patients under the control of a nurse trained in performing allergic tests. 

Patients with severe diseases are hospitalized and treated in our inpatient clinic.

How to reach the clinic?

Our outpatient clinics are located in the main building 1st floor.

How to get inspected?

You can make an appointment for the outpatient clinic by using the Central Patient Appointment System (MHRS), telephone (Alo 182) or the internet ( In addition, in case of emergency, you can apply to the Emergency Service of our hospital at any time of the day.